It's raining out.
the crazy snow we had is melting.
there are 11 days until Christmas.
but only 3 nights until our Christmas Performance.
this week is crazy.
i am at the church every evening.
Last night i stayed after the rehearsal to prime the stairs, on the set.
i got home at 2:15am.
tonight is dress rehearsal #1
"Oh Lord, please help us all know our lines.
Please don't let us play a character, but let us BE that character.
when we step on stage, each night, i ask that we see through our character's eye, speak with his/her voice. hear with his/her ears, may our actions, mannerisms, laughter, be the character we have become.
Thank you for the talent of the people involved.
i love them like family Lord.
I am so honored that you allow me the opportunity each year to be able to be a part of these performances.
May the performances this year be pleasing.. very pleasing to you.
You have gifted us.
Our directors, writers, tech guys.
our builders, painters, creative geniuses.
our actors, stage crew, prompter.
and everyone else involved that i have no idea about.
Thank you for our families
who allow us to take the time to be out there doing what we are passionate about.
Help us as we strive to bring you the best.
to bring the community of Huntsville the best.
Help us not be shy, not be distracted, not be sick.
Help us to be confident, be strong, bold, healthy.
I ask for your blessing on those of us in this production.
i ask for your blessing on each of the audience members.
some don't know if they'll go yet.
Use us to show them who you are.
Thank you for Christmas.
Thank you for sending Jesus, your son, as a baby.
thank you for easter, Lord.
without Christmas, Easter would not have happened."
"Wow, Anna, it sounds like there might be a lot more to this story!" - Gail
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