Thursday, March 24, 2011

dreeeeam, dream, dream, dream....

So, I have a friend who blogs.  Vanessa.
I read her blog today and it got me thinking. 
She posted some of her dreams, some pretty sweet dreams that I hope she is able to accomplish.
and at the end she asks the reader what their dreams are. 

Vanessa, and my faithful follwers, here's my list:
(in no particular order)

  • to sit in the sunshine atop a mountain (preferably surrounded by mountains)
  • take my kids canoeing on the Buffalo National River, Arkansas
  • share Christ confidently
  • publish a book
  • learn to weld
  • sing a solo or duet in front of a crowd
  • perform Shakespeare on stage
  • rappel something high and overhanging
  • travel to New Zealand and Australia
  • read all of CS Lewis' works (except maybe his science fiction)
  • go to Northern Ireland with my husband, kids and my dad - so they may see it through his eyes.
  • skydive
  • sell some of my photography
  • hear God speak to me. (like Samuel when he was a boy- - verbally)
  • bike downhill without using my brakes.. no fear!
  • run 10km
  • backpack throughout Ireland, Scotland, New Zealand or Australia
  • wear my Birks all though the winter without cold feet or socks.
  • to have dreads to my mid-back.
  • learn spanish
  • love who God made me
everyone has dreams. 
these are some of mine.

what are yours?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


So the other day I deleted one of my posts.
i didn't want to but needed to.

it was about my kids and their favorite things to do.  
I had titled it Nekked Kid. (only spelt properly)
i had debated the spelling, I had debated the title and finally just posted it.

i liked the entry.  
I liked the photos I chose of my kids. 
it made me laugh reading it - especially as one was clotheless running around at the same time I wrote it.

why did I delete it?

i was checking out my stats - seeing who stopped by the blog to visit, when I saw under the search stat that someone had found my blog when they searched N_k_d Kid.
i wanted to vomit. 

if someone is searching that on google I don't want my kids, my stories, to be a result of that search. 

I know I should never have titled it that.
I debated it for a reason, and should have listened to my inner battle.

so that's that.
all I want to say.