Sunday, May 17, 2015

5 years ago

5 years ago i wrote in my journal 
(well, actually 5 years ago tomorrow i wrote in it) 
and said that i had, to date, the worst day of my life.

over the last couple years May 17th has come and gone without much thought.
but today for whatever reason i woke thinking about 5 years ago.

i read my journal from that day, 
and then had breakfast and cried while i thanked God for my family.

for my children.
the precious treasures they are.
and that they have their father.
and i have my husband.

we laugh together.
we encourage each other.
we argue.
we work out issues.
we love each other.

i am so unbelievably thankful for my husband.

i am thankful that God has blessed me with him.
he is a gift to me.
to my children.

i need to remember to cherish each moment with him.
and to thank the Lord for the strength to get through that day, and many others.
i'm also thankful for the friends and family that He has provided for me to lean on when needed.

because i really didn't think i would make it.

life and marriage aren't easy.
they're an adventure.

but i rely on God to provide me with the strength to deal with whatever comes my way.

and today i remember how much i love the man i married 12.5 years ago.
i think i need to tell him when i see him.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

2 in 24

My littlest little is growing up.
She is in Senior Kindergarten.
She reads fairly well.
She cleans out the kitty litter without help.
and now she has lost her first tooth!

it's been wiggly for quite a while now.  
then the one next to it got wiggly, and even wigglier.
the first one seemed as though it was never going to come out.
last night the girl asked for a candy.
i let her have one.
she chose gum.
it was almost immediately when she came to me.
the emotions on her face were assorted.
she was holding a tiny tooth.
she had some tears in her eyes.
she had a forced smile.
and a bloody gap.

she was scared, 

it had finally come out!
we rinsed her mouth out.
and she was so excited.
her tooth was out!

we put it in a plastic bag so she could bring it to school to show friends.

she tried to pull the other one out a couple times.
it wouldn't come.

she kept smiling and sticking her tongue through the gap.

i'm sure she fell asleep dreaming about her tooth.

this morning she asked me if she could tie lammie to one end of a string and the other end to her other loose tooth.

but there wasn't time before the bus.
so off to school she headed.
i told her i'd be in the library today if it came out.

i was shelving books when i heard this tiny voice behind me.
there she was at the library door with her best friend.
she had a tooth necklace on.
she walked in with the biggest smile.
two teeth were missing.

"mommy, i yanked it out when i was in line."
there was the tooth in the little plastic tooth hanging around her neck.

she had hoped a tooth would fall out at school.
she made it happen.

within 24 hours she has had 2 teeth come out.

what an exciting time for her.

the one adult tooth is already poking through, and that excites her even more.

my little one is growing up.

i love this time of life!

1st photo taken by me with Gertie.
2nd photo courtesy of Kari A.(right after the incident occurred)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


have you ever met a person who lived up to their name?

not because they looked like a John or a Henrietta.

but because the meaning of the name came through in their character.

our daughter's name means Friend.
currently she has been living up to her name.
Friends are so important to her. 
she is sweet, kind, caring, compassionate to her friends and loved ones. 
(although her brother may not agree with that at times)

our son's name means Jehovah is God, or The Lord is my God.
this is one i pray he truly grows into.
currently he loves God.  a lot.  
he loves to learn, sing, read about God.  

then there are a couple ladies i adore who i don't need to figure out the meaning to their name.  
their name is clear in the meaning.
the name is Grace.

My grandma-in-law lives up to her name.
she is full of grace.
she has a heart for God and for others.
she is sweet, kind, compassionate, loving in her actions and character.
she is prayerful for her family.

lovely lady.
and i'm thankful for her.

the other lady named Grace is at my church.
i got to know her a little when i first began attending the ladies Bible study at church.
it was a big group at first, 
but then it shrunk in size.

Grace was always there.

i stopped going to the study and i received a card from her.  
we were going through some huge things in our family at the time and her card meant the world to me.

when i did end up going back i was so glad she was there.

a few weeks ago i was sitting with a friend during the study and Grace answered something.
i remember saying "i love that lady" after she shared.
she has a wonderful God given wisdom, that she has received over her years.
i love listening to her share.

last week as i was leaving the study i saw her.
i had to hug her.
i thought she needed to know i loved her.

any who know me know how hard that would  have been for me.  
but i felt God nudging me to do it.

so with one arm full of things i stepped out of my comfort zone and said 
"Grace can i give you a hug"
she definitely was caught off guard but leaned into my hug.
i told her that i loved her and was so thankful she was there.

i just needed to do that.

i am thankful for her.
for her soft-spoken words.
her tears.
her prayers.
her smiles.
her handshakes when i enter the church sunday morning.
her gentleness.
her love.

She is full of Grace.

is there anyone you need to tell how much you appreciate them?
or is there someone who lives up to their name in the same way?