Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Journey Home

I love being on stage.
I love watching a performance come together.
I love sharing this experience with the rest of the cast and support crew.

we have been rehearsing since mid September(?)
and on Sunday night we wrapped up our 2 performances.
it's always a bitter-sweet night.
yay, we're all done, and now maybe i can get some rest.
but, oh, we're done.  All that time, energy, excitement... wow, that was so fast.

(the following pics were taken at the dress rehearsal)

Thank you to all who were a part of this year's performance.
Janice for the words and drawing the picture for us.
Matt for the dream that became a reality this weekend.
Barb for believing in us and guiding us through it all.
Tech guys for all your crazy hard work and dedication
Robin & Cami for your amazing stand-in work, commitment, stage help, prompting and encouragement.
Construction crew for.. well, the amazing set.
HHS, and anyone else who donated books... that was a HUGE library we had to fill.
spouses, families, friends who supported these crazy rehearsals, for praying, for coming and inviting others.
anyone i missed - - sorry.  but please know you were appreciated!

and thanks to Jade for taking some pics for me since I couldn't do it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Michelle, that's so awesome. I LOVED being in musicals and plays. I miss it. And I love going to see performances, too.
    Looks like it was really fun to be a part of!
    Merry Christmas!
