Saturday, November 19, 2011

School Days.. part 1: bus pick up

My 4 year old started school in September.
He was going to love his teachers.
He was going to make the bestest friend ever.
He was going to have so much fun at school and love going each day.
He was going to ride the bus, as he had been dreaming about.

Elijah driving a school bus in 2009
those were my plans.

Reality is so much different sometimes.

The first couple days of school he didn't ride the bus - the bus company had never sent me info - and for a first time mom of a school kid, that was quite irritating.
The info the school had for me about it didn't make sense.
we live directly on the bus route but the info said we had to walk along our busy road - with no shoulder on it - to another house 5 minutes away. 
Day 2 of school we walked to the stop and the bus drove right past us.
Needless to say, i was quite frustrated.
We walked back home, loaded into the car and drove to the school.

(now, i never had to take a bus to school, so the whole bus aspect of school was new to me too, so i was beginning to hate the idea.)

The boy was quite upset since he had wanted to go on the bus so badly.
I was upset because 'the system' was stupid. 
don't make us walk to some random house when no other kids were waiting there..
only to have the bus not even pick up my son.

we arrived at the school and dropped off my little JKer
I went to the office with the girl and planned to get the number for the bus company. 
i was ready to complain and fight.
i got the number and explained my situation to the amazing woman behind the main office desk. 
She checked in their computer to make sure I was given the correct info. 
I was.
as i was preparing to leave, the tears started. 
I couldn't help it.

She called me back to her desk and did the calling for me.
She told them the driver had not stopped and confirmed info. with them.
I had also asked if they could pick him up at our house since we are on the route.
that was a school board issue. 
She called the school board for me.
the girl was, thankfully, quite happy reading some books they had in the office.

after some phone calls the realization was there that the computer had us down as a HOME PICK-UP.
but I didn't live at that address.
a little correction and a call to the bus company.
and LOTS of apologies, since she figured it was her own clerical issue that had caused this mess.

 The boy is now picked up at our house every monday, wednesday and friday.

how he likes it is for another entry.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Aw, I don't blame you. I also have no clue about bus pick ups and that sort of thing as I always lived within walking distance to my school.
    Glad it got figured out, though.
    Miss you guys.
