Wednesday, January 15, 2014

i shouldn't be on here.

the kids are at school.
and here i am, sitting at the computer.
i should be showering (i just got back from my run)
then eating some breakfast while i spend some time reading the Bible.

but i'm not.

i'm sitting here in front of my computer.

it is so easy to do this.

push everything aside to go on social media..
or play games or search the internet.

but i don't push things aside to read my Bible, 
or pray...
or write a real letter (with pen and paper) to someone i love.

sometimes the kids are put on the back burner
*gasp.  did she just admit this*
to just 'finish checking this out' or 'just a quick text'
(or my husband too.)

the days when i realize i've done that i'm usually good at stopping, 
putting down the phone, 
or stepping away from the computer to go to them.
to look them in the eye while they're talking to me.
to squat or sit at their level to see what they want to show me.

and i don't have a smart phone anymore.

i have a computer.
and an ordinary old cell.

when we're outside or out and about the world wide web is out of reach.
it is not a distraction.
but here, 
at home...

while sitting here i received a text.


i know i'm not the only one who does this.
who ends up realizing how much time has been spent on the computer doing really nothing at all.

sure i could argue..
'i'm keeping up with friends' or 'i wouldn't have known that if i hadn't checked'
but y'know what.
i can do it once in a day and find out what i need to know and then be off.
back to the real world..
the physical world i live in.

i can take time that used to be spent online 
and cuddle with my kids.
or my husband.
read my Bible.
have breakfast.
clean a part of the house.
make something yummy.
learn more about Gertie and what she can do. 
(that's my camera)
write a note to someone.
even chat on the phone with a friend. 
(hear a real voice)

computers aren't evil.
social media isn't evil.

but it's a thief.
it steals me away from those i love.
i give them only half my attention when i'm on it.

so i need to discipline myself.
not check facebook or my email every time i pass the computer.
even just a quick check is stopping me from what i was planning to do.

after that.

i'll share my run photos with you and then be off.
Bible time.

Date: Monday January 13
time: 2pm
temperature: +5*C
distance: 3.5K
running buddy: Jack Jack

date: Wednesday January 15
time 8:25am
temperature: -1*C
distance: 4K
running buddy: Jack Jack

*all photos taken by me, 
with Gertie.
not edited.


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