Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Snow day 2

yesterday was a snow day for elijah.
we were sitting at the table, eating breakfast.
big flakes of snow falling outside.
when the phone rang.
it was dan asking if i had the radio on.
i did...
volume was turned low as i was reading a book during breakfast.
the school buses were cancelled.
good to know.

school was open if i wanted to drive my boy in.
he wanted to go..then he didn't want to go.
he stayed home.
my friend drove her oldest to school and then came over with her other 2.
we had a day long playdate.
Lego, transformers, cars, playing in the snow, playing at the igloo, sledding.
it was a full day.
the roads were bad.
but the weather was great.

today they were calling for freezing rain.
woke up to school buses being cancelled.
day 2.
today i'm sitting here with a head full of snot.
a pulsating of the forehead.
i'm sore.
i'm tired, from waking up in the night.
my throat hurts when i cough, which is better than last night, when it just plain hurt.

i was thankful for the cancellation of buses.
i didn't have to get anyone ready for anything today.
i'm watching my friend's youngest today.
he and my two are playing in the livingroom as i sit here typing and enjoying sips of my hot tea 
(in my new mug - gift from Aunt Deb - thanks, i love it!)

tomorrow will be a school day.
the temperature should be above 0. (*C)
but guess what...

PA Day.

yep.  i'll have the kids both here again on Thursday.
then friday school day.
so my son has the best week since school went back this year..
a 2 day school week!

i don't mind.  i'm home.
buses better not be cancelled tomorrow, that's all i'm sayin'!

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