Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas music

I used to start playing Christmas music as soon as it got cold out.
Then I started playing it when the stores got out their Christmas stuff 
(it didn't used to be at halloween time)
Then I started playing it after US Thanksgiving - it made more sense to me.
now I don't want to hear it until at earliest - Dec 1st.
I'm listening to the radio, Life 98.9 right now, and it is Christmas music all day.
(sunday was a day of praise and worhip with some Christmas music thrown in)

I am not a fan of that much Christmas music.. 
I miss the regular 'Christian' music.  
i get annoyed with the same carols over and over just by different artists.  
variety is not there.  and some of them I find quite boring or just plain annoying. 
I wish it would be a mix. 
I wish we could have the regular music with some carols. 
"Switch the station or put on some other music" you say.
I do. 
when I get annoyed enough i do - or i just turn it off completely.
or I just put on Sharon, Lois or Bram and dance around with the kids to the Elephant song.

Some of the non-traditional Christmas music are really good - and they're a nice change.

oh, I am not Scrooge McDuck, I am not the Grinch.
I do love Christmas. 
I love the Santa Claus parade.
I do love the Christmas specials on tv, and wish I would have some of them on dvd - 
i just need to buy my favorites.
I love White Christmas with Bing Crosby.
I love Lampoons Christmas vacation with Chevy Chase, It's a Wonderful Life, Scrooge (B&W version)... 
I love the Christmas story.
I love nativity scenes - although the wise men weren't actually at the stable with the baby.
I love reading the Easter Story at Christmastime to be reminded why Christ even came as a baby, why we have Christmas in the first place.
and I do love Christmas Music.  
just not 24-7. 

this is just me taking time on my blog to write my annoyance at that much repetition of Carols... 
so call me Scrooge if you want, but to me, most carols are sung without depth or emotion being revealed.. they are just sung - the words not really thought of -
now, Jingle Bell Rock (it just came on the radio) is one I don't like much at all - but that's not a real Carol.  
the ones about Christ are the ones I'm talking about. 
 people sing those all the time but don't mean the words or even believe them - they're just Christmas Carols.

O Holy Night is in fact one of my favorites... or What Child is this...and Mary's Boy Child

So, you see I do like the songs - i sang the 12 days of Christmas to the kids at lunch - although I got stuck on days 11 & true love didn't give me anything on these days - oh well.

I guess I rambled long enough.  
if you made it this far before quitting then Thank You, and I am sorry if you're now confused at the purpose of this entry... if it makes you feel better i am too.

Merry Christmas

1 comment:

  1. i have to agree that the christmas carols seem to be so over sung without the emotion that should be there! but i love the old christmas hymns. the words are so powerful when i take the time to really listen to them.
    i also can't stand jingle bell rock!
