Wednesday, November 10, 2010


we're asked to remember.
we're asked to remember for one day a year.

not fight, not complain, not argue, not hate, not forget.

one day a year we're to stop what we're doing and remember. 

remember the lives given. 

lives were given in many ways. 
Lives that ended. 
Lives that were physically changed by injuries sustained.
Lives that were emotionally and psychologically changed by what they experienced and witnessed.
Lives completely torn apart by the loss of a dear loved one (physically or emotionally).

We need to remember the sacrifices people made.  Normal people. 
These people were/are not superheroes - although I'd say facing what they did/do and standing strong (even when scared) is more heroic than spiderman or batman. 
We need to remember these people who fought in the wars and remember them with honor. 

One day a year we are asked to remember, and be thankful.

I live in a country called Canada.
I am free to love God, and openly worship Him.
I am able to vote and add my voice to the election of our rulers.
I am free to speak my mind (although I don't most of the time).

those are a few things I am free to do because of the millions of men and women who have given their lives for our country. 

Instead of berating the military and what it does, lets remember the people who step up to the plate. (whether you agree with it or not).  People who place themselves in situations i could never imagine. 

I'll be completely honest with you; I struggle remembering anything I learned about the wars - i struggle remembering, and sometimes understanding, why battles are fought.. but I do know one thing.  I am so glad there have been people willing to make the sacrifices made and that has helped make this country what it is today.

I thank the Lord God for our military personnel... i thank the family members who love them and anticipate their return home... I thank the men and women who have died in battles and those who have come home.
each of you have my respect, admiration, and thankfulness.

Let's remember and not forget.