Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What to Write

So, I have this blog.....
Why do i have this blog anyway? 
honestly, I have no idea. 
What is it about?
I don't know.
I have friends and family who blog about being a stay at home mom, hunting and fishing, the life of a worship pastor, and my brother the comedian blogs about.... well, life as a comedian sees it.  
I was asked the other day what my blog is about, and I said "just me and my life."  How creative is that?!
I honestly don't know what inspired me to blog at all... OK, i do.

have you ever seen the movie Julie and Julia?
I loved it.  it made me want to blog. 
Not about cooking - honestly i do not have a passion for cooking, and no one would want to read about my cooking - I'm a boring cook.
I didn't want people to send me things - food and money like she gets from her readers.  (but I will take money or gifts if people do want to send me some.)
I honestly don't even care if anyone ever reads this blog.

So why am I blogging?

i love to write and my thoughts come out a little better when written - or in this case, typed.
I may not write every day, I may only write when I have an idea i need to get out. 

But for now this is about me. 
my kids.
my husband. 
maybe even my cat.

This will be about my life as I know it.

unless I come up with something more exciting to the world.
     This is Clive.  Named after C.S. Lewis.   Clive Staples Lewis.  This is my cat - well he annoys me a lot so he's really more my husband's cat, but he's the only cat we currently have.


  1. I didn't know you blogged! I too, loved Julie & Julia. Like, loved it. But unlike you, I was inspired to cook. :) And blog about it. Which I sometimes do.
    But anyway, you blog! Yes. That was my point. :)
    (And thanks for the shout out.)

  2. I totally get this. My blog is neglected and has no real theme, but I just like to write when I have a chance. Good for the soul.

  3. Amy thanks for the encouragement that i'm not alone..
    Vanessa, yeah I just started - we'll see how I keep it going.
