Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wonder and Joy

my kids are full of wonder and joy.
They love life so much, and in turn help me see the wonder and joy in an ordinary day - especially about a plain, ordinary thing.

Today was just such a moment for me.  In fact I wasn't going to blog today until this moment happened.

When the second Night at the Museum movie came out McDonalds had happy meals toys that wound up and moved when a card was put in the slot.  Well, we had 2 of 'Rexy' and 2 of the squirrel.  This morning the boy found one of each but was so upset because he couldn't find 'The Thing'. 

'The Thing' being the card needed to make them move.  So, being the world's most amazing mom, I created my own 'thing'..... with a scrap piece of paper - - folded!

How excited the kids were when I got them to work!!

Fast forward to this afternoon.

The girl is napping and the boy is in his room playing quietly while I check facebook. 

then the squeaky door began to open.

"He cannot have to go again!  he just went poo twice!" I thought, shaking my head, as I heard the footsteps.  He was saying something about 'the thing'.  I looked down the stairs as my very excited, very happy little boy ran into view holding two pieces of 'the thing'...the original card... in his hands. 

"I found the thing for Rexy! I found the thing for Rexy!"  there was honestly pure joy in that child's three year old face.  He was practically giggling as he held them up high for me to see.

We had to find Rexy right away.  We found both squirrels before we finally discovered Rexy hiding on the bottom step. 

Back to quiet play in his room, so content, so happy with himself for finding 2 pieces of the card. 

Back to the computer for me to take a moment and share my pride in my son with the World Wide Web.  I love that little boy, my first-born.  Who takes the time to stop me at times and say "mommy, let's kiss."  just because he wanted me to give him a kiss. 

I love the wonder he has in discovering everything around him. 
I love the awe as he watches the leaves change color and waits for snow to come.
I love his hugs as he wraps his strong little arms around my neck.
I love his stories (even when they're the same ones).
I love his questions (even when they're the same ones).

That's what I have as I watch my kids grow:
Wonder and Joy.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing this felix! it's true that some of the most important things we can learn will be taught to us by our children :)
