Tuesday, January 17, 2017

no school today

today is yet another bus cancellation day here in Muskoka.
i think in the month of January, we have had 4 bus cancellation days.
i don't say snow days because not all of them were truly snow days.
i don't consider it a snow day if it's not due to snow.
i can't do it.
*ok, sometimes i do, 'snow day!' sounds more exciting than 'bus cancellation day!'*

we have had snow day, horrible gross road day.
we have had possibility of a butt load of snow day
and today we have a freezing rain day.
*i have a friend that had fog day before Christmas, we haven't had that one...yet*

last night i heard the weather report for today.
there was a freezing rain warning for our area that would begin in the morning then turn to snow and back to freezing rain in the afternoon.

we have had days predicted like that and had the buses still drive.
sometimes the buses had no issues for the freezing rain came after the after school bus time.  and people were so happy the buses didn't get cancelled.
sometimes the buses were good before school but after school the roads were treacherous, and people were furious the buses didn't get cancelled.

we have had days predicted like that and the buses were cancelled.
sometimes the buses had no issues for the freezing rain didn't come until later in the evening.  people were furious that the buses were cancelled.
sometimes the buses were good before school but after school the roads were treacherous and people were glad the buses were cancelled.

see what i'm getting at?

no matter the decision made, someone out there will probably have an issue with it.

i, for one, take it as it comes.
sure, some days i go "seriously?  why are the buses not driving?  oh well.  do i want to drive them in?"  
sometimes yes i do, sometimes no i don't.
some days i go "seriously? i can't believe they are not cancelled...Lord keep our bus drivers safe out there as they transport my kidlets to and from school, thank you for them"

i'm not perfect and we do not have perfect happy-go-lucky snow days, all the time.
i'm blessed to be able to be home for my kids, so snow days don't hinder us.  
i don't need to find babysitting, or call in sick to work when a snow day happens.  
i live close enough to the school that i could drive my kids in if i needed to that day.  
they have come to appointments with me when buses were cancelled.

i know that on a snow day the work load is not the normal at school.
there's a lot more review as well as a variety of extra activities since the population of the school is so small on those days.
so i know my kids aren't missing learning something new on a snow day, they won't be behind.

last week we had 3 bus cancellation days.
last week was the first week back after Christmas holidays HAHA!
oh Muskoka, you always amuse me.

am i always this optimistic?
but a lot of times i am verbally positive while my brain is cringing and wanting to complain.
i find when i make an effort to not complain and to find the positive, the blessing, the fun in the situation i am able to allow God to turn my complaining, grumbling, frustration into thankfulness.
it helps me refocus.

the people making the decision are making this decision to keep my children safe.
(i don't care if their reason is to avoid lawsuits or genuine concern for my kids, if the safety concern is number one, i'm all for it)
thank you people in charge of making the decision.
i've said it before i'll say it again...
i'm glad i am not you.

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