Wednesday, September 16, 2015

School Days *round 2*: Gr 1

age: 6 (7 in the new year)
year in school: 3
grade: 1
class: 1s only

here it is.
the year she is no longer in the Kindergarten rooms.
what an excited little girl we have.

i drove them to school this morning and as she and i walked into the school yard, hand in hand, i asked her where she wanted to go.
"mommy i can go there, or there, or even there" 
as she pointed around the school yard.
"last year i could only go there."
pointing to the kindergarten area.

so excited that she could use the whole yard, if she chose to.

when we prayed, the night before the first day, her school thinking was a little different than her brother.
she was nervous that she may not get the teacher she wanted.
but she was so excited to get to see friends she hadn't seen since June.

she's a people person.

it's all about the friends in the class.

the first day she came home and told me that the part that made her upset was that the bus went a different route after school.
but her fave part was that they had 3 recesses, and that she played with 3 friends all day.

she got the teacher she wanted.
so excited!
her grade one teacher is the same amazing woman that her brother had for SK and she had for JK.
we love her teacher so much.
(although i was excited with either grade 1 teacher - they're both stupendous teachers who adore their students)

gym and recess have been her favorite so far.
but yesterday she came home and told me she did some math, and it wasn't scary.

the switch from K to 1 is big.
but i believe she is ready for it.
she is excited to be a grade 1 girl now.
she has some good friends in her class.

her biggest issue is not with school but with after school.
the bus the kids ride has switched it's after school route.
instead of their school being the 3rd school on the route, it is now the first school on the route.
therefore, the bus is there earlier.
she gets so scared that she is going to miss it.
in fact there have been a couple days that her brother has not been there when the bus has been called so she runs from where she's waiting with her teacher and gets on the bus.
her brother arrives at the teacher and there's no sister there.

we've discussed it, 
but i haven't been sure how to get her to stay calm.
he's working his way from the top floor of the school sometimes as the bus is called.
he knows it will wait a little but his sister is too scared to realize that.

today i chatted with her teacher and we're going to try something intentional to help her.
i'll find out how it went when she gets home.

i love having open communication with their teachers.

other than bus stuff...
she loves grade 1!

i'm excited about this year, 

i'm hoping to volunteer as much as possible.

*when they first sat down for the together photo
there were a good few inches between them.
they were smiling for the camera.
right before i clicked the photo
her brother put his arm around her.
i paused as i watched them move right in together.
her smile grew so much more when he did that.
then i clicked the photo.

Look at her.
my big grade one girl!

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