Sunday, March 16, 2014

hey guess what...more running selfies. oh well.

  haha my selfies are back!  
that's right.  
another post dedicated to...ME! 

these are always taken at the end of the run.
my face usually lets you know how the run went.

i've found myself figuring out what face i'm going to make before i even get home.
that's right, i make multiple faces in the last kilometer, as i figure out how i felt about the run.
when i think about how i look, as i'm doing that, i begin laughing.
my run usually ends on a high note because i make myself laugh, even when i'm worn out, exhausted, sore, tired...

i took this one...
just because.
why not.
i did 9K... i'll make whatever face i want.

i glanced in the window as i was about to take this photo.
my little girl was watching me as she ate her breakfast.
i made a face at her then snapped it as my selfie.
it was a good run, this face tells you nothing about it.

the wind was COLD.
and a lot of it.  
it was trying to stop my forward momentum.
i won.
but it froze my face.

 *all photos taken by me
with Gertie.
edited with Photoshop Elements

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