Monday, January 3, 2011

2010 - what i learned

2010 was a year of learning for me.

as I go into this new year i pray that I am able to remember what I learned in 2010 and grow into a stronger person, with a strength of character that cannot be shaken and a faith that is solid and rooted and cannot be ripped away.

what did I learn? 
in no particular order

I love dreads. 

I got them in March and though there are days I wish I had straight hair again, 99% of the time I love my dreads.

i have 2 beautiful children i need to be thankful for - even when they're cranky and fighting.

They are to be cherished and i need to lead by example because they are watching my every move, listening to my every comment, sigh, complaint.  they see my smiles, my tears, my frowns.  They need to be taught that I love who God made me, and who He made them.  I love these kids.

I love my husband.

He is my best friend, and I had forgotten how true that is.  He is amazing and I need to remember to cherish him, to tell him how much I love him,and am thankful for him.  I need to pray for my husband daily, that he may be the man I know he truly is, and who God created him to be.  He needs to be my best friend.  I need to respect and love him.

Depression is all consuming.

It is real.  it is destructive.  it is powerful.  i never knew how much it truly tears apart someone's life - every aspect of the life.  it affects everyone who loves the person.  Depression is serious.  The person feels alone.  I've discovered that most people don't know what to say when depression reveals they avoid it, or don't say anything... for someone who feels alone, this is not good. 
Communication is so important.

Suicide is not selfish. 

I always thought it was selfish.  although it appears thay way, it is really a way to 'remove the burden'  from those the person cares about. unfortunately the 'burden' is the person.  and ending one's life isn't the answer, but the person who attempts or 'succeeds' truly believes they are out of options and believes it is the only thing they can do.  it is, in their mind, truly unselfish.

Forgiveness is essential to healing.

marriage is sacred.

people now a days seem to say their vows but not truly believe them.  i heard this year that 5 years is the average length of marriage now.  so sad.  marriage is a covenant with each other, not to be broken.  It is so easy to end a marriage now, and so common practice.  That saddens me. 

God is in control

...still working on this.  I know it as truth.  I believe it as truth.  but do I live it as truth?  i have a hard time - when things are tough.  but this past year I was reminded of the truth of it a lot.  and looking back - I do believe it, but in the hard times it's so difficult to remember it, and rely on it.

i love dance.

I love to dance. I love watching dance.  I love So You Think You Can Dance (U.S)  I love the arts!  singing, music, drawing, acting, painting, creating.   

Those are a few of the things I learned in 2010. 


  1. Michelle, this post got me thinking. I have some thoughts but I think I might message you privately.
    But I appreciated you writing this. What a year!

  2. thanks for sharing this! you've learned alot this past year :)
    i think it's so importants to take the time to write down things we learn-it reminds us that God is constantly working in us, and that we really don't know it all!
