Tuesday, September 15, 2015

School Days: Gr 3 *part 1*

age: 8
year in school: 5
grade: 3
class: 3/4 split

it's another school year.
here we are.
getting back to the routine.

the night before the first day of school i had an idea.
at supper i decided that we'd pray, as a family, for the school year.
i asked each kid something they were excited about and something they were nervous about.

my girl went first.
and then i said, 
"ok, who wants to pray for her?"
my boy.
he said 
"i'll pray for her mommy."
and he did.  
he prayed for her fears and her excitement.
straight and to the point, but he prayed for his sister.

then he shared his fear and excitement.
nervous about which teacher he'd be getting and if he'd like the teacher.
excited to go back to school to learn math.

my little girl offered to pray for her big brother.

they prayed for eachother, with such sincerity.

next morning.
my boy got up so easily.
he was so excited to go to school for grade 3.

he knew the teacher i was hoping he'd get, 
but he also knew that if God wanted him with the other teacher than it'd be fine as well.

i drove him and his sister to school, after the 'first day' photos.
they chose their location for the together photo, and it melts my heart.
he loves his sister so much.
he put his arm around her as soon as i was about to take the photo.

off to school we drove.
when we got to the sidewalk on the outside of the yard fence we paused.
"do you want to stay with us or go see your friends?"
i asked, pretty sure i knew the answer.
he quietly said he wanted to see his friends.
we hugged.
just a quick hug.
when we are at school i know i'll get only quick hugs, on the outside of the fence.

and off he walked.
my big grade 3 boy.

i went in to the assembly with my girl to wait to see which teachers they'd get for the year.
and there was my boy, 
sitting on the floor talking with a couple friends.
friends he's known since JK.
he glanced my way once.
then the names began to get called for the different classes.

he sat listening, waiting.

his name was called for the teacher i wanted him with.
he has a male teacher again this year.
i love that he has a male teacher again this year.

he came home on the bus that first day and said he really liked his teacher.
and at supper we talked about good and not so good things at school.

he didn't have a not so good thing to say.
his good things were that he got to do math already.
and that he is getting to learn french this year.
he was so excited about that.

he still loves school.
he still loves learning.
he still loves his friends.
he still loves watching out for his sister at school.

the other day i asked him how his day was.
"mommy, i had a not so good part.
i was trying to do my work and C kept talking to me.
it made it hard to do my work."


i'm excited to see how this school year goes for him.
he has grown in his confidence over this summer.
he is excited about this year.

i know that school is hard for a lot of kids.
it was a hard beginning to school for my boy, 
but i am thankful that he has truly grown into a love for being at school.

yay grade 3.

grade 3.
no, he said it's not 2+1.. just 3.
*photos taken by me, with Gertie.
not edited.

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